773-653-5256     Chicago, IL 60640

      Your brand's visual identity is vital when it comes to branding and marketing. It's easily the most recognizable thing about your business and makes an impact on your reputation as well. Think about how many times you've visited a poorly designed website and left without making a purchase, or when you were less likely to walk into a restaurant on a street because of a shabby and unwelcoming exterior appearance.

Your brand's visual identity includes your logo design, fonts, photography, brand color palettes, visual style, website, social media content, and business cards. While you can certainly do all of this on your own, consider stepping away from Photoshop to hire a professional, especially when it comes to logo design.We offer logo designs for small businesses, please call us today and we will make it happen. Besides logo designs we create beautifull websites that will help to position your brand on a local level.

Be Consistent in what you write and put on your local listings across the web

Consistent information is not only helpful for potential customers; it’s also essential for your online web presence. Google favors consistency across the web, so make sure that your name, address, and phone number are listed in exactly the same format across all directory listings – this includes the way your address is abbreviated (Street vs. St.) and any business name inclusions (i.e. Inc.). If you find a listing that doesn’t have your business information listed in the correct format, find out what steps are required by the listing service to update your information. Oftentimes this requires setting up an account and claiming your listing, but each site is different.We help small businesses to get on the map. Call us today and we will help you to increase your presence across the web. Call Intelligent Advertising today!

        Branding is vital for any business owner regardless of their business size. When it comes to establishing your brand, you first need to understand what branding means. It's marketing lingo for your logo, name, symbol, design, and other components associated with your business’s identity. Branding is essentially how people identify your company, whether it's through a great logo, a tagline, a color, or a feeling. Thats why before you start your business , you need to think first what exsactly you are offering to the public and from there you search for a domain that will later become a part of your brand. Intelligent Advertising is offering a wide range of services from brnding to local SEO marketing so your brand will stand out from the crowd.