A one-page website is a great way to sum up your business.
But is a one-page website actually the best choice for you? Or would a multiple-page website suit you better? This article will give you the answers to these questions along with more tips for the perfect one-page website.
What is a one-page website in Chicago?
A one-page website is a website made up of just a single page. All the information that visitors need to know about you and your business is concisely presented on this one page. This includes your offers, your company profile, your contact information, and more.
If you’re wondering about the legal notice, privacy policy, etc.—a one-page website requires these too. However, as with other websites, they’re outsourced to suitable subpages. This way, they don’t distract from the content on your main page. A one-page website usually consists of several pages, even if the vast majority of visitors only see one of them.
Who is a one-page website for?
Illinoise website builder
A one-page website focuses on the fundamentals. It’s not for extravagant company descriptions or detailed product descriptions. One-page websites are a great option if you want to clearly present a limited amount of information.
We create one page website for small businesses.
One-page websites are ideal for:
Freelancers and self-employed people
Small businesses with simple offers
Cafés and restaurants in the city of Chicago or suburbs
Product launches and campaigns
Events, celebrations, and anniversaries
3 design tips for the perfect one-page website
Here are some tips to get the perfect combination of design and content for your one-page website:
1. Less is more and we already know this
Your content should be just like your one-page website: short and concise. Use engaging texts that stick to their core message and high-quality images that immediately grab your visitors’ attention.
The five Ws will help to keep your texts short and sweet: who, what, where, when, and why? Answer these questions, and your text will most likely contain all the key information relating to your topic. You can do without anything that doesn’t fit on your one page in Chicago or Illinoise
Make sure to have following content:
Short introduction to your company
Overview of your services
Image gallery with your best work plus references
Contact details (with optional contact form)
The only structure for a one-page website is: from top to bottom. You should structure your content accordingly. Ask yourself which point is the most important to your visitors. Put this right at the top of your page. Then comes the next most important topic, and so on.
In order for small businesses to compete, you must create and cultivate emotional connections with your audiences through your messaging, marketing, and engagement. Your brand is the most valuable asset in your business, and when it is done right. We have a team of dedicated graphic designers that can take your idea to the nexgt level. We help small businesses to stand out from the crowd o nthe local level. We design websites for small businesses.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to create a brand identity for your small business. Hire a small business branding consultant today and take your business to the next level.