773-653-5256     Chicago, IL 60640

hen you think of your business and brand, what does it mean? Who are you as a company? Defining your brand is more than picking out colors and visuals. It's about the core of your company. Think about your values and goals.  Do you have an origin story or a product offering that is unique and helps you stand out? What is your brand mission? How do you want your customers to remember you? All of these elements make up your business’s  personality — your brand on a local level.

Having a strong brand identity is one of the most important factors in your marketing strategy. You can start defining your brand by doing exercises like:

    Picking out 3-5 words that describe your brand and define your brand’s voice is a key torch the brand building identity

      Nowadays, you don’t need professional equipment in order to take great product photos. All you need is a camera or a smartphone with a decent camera. For lighting, just use natural light (e.g. from a window), or use photo lamps in combination with a soft box. You can often rent these quite cheaply. Use a seamless backdrop for a neutral background.Or u can always hire our photographers to do the work for you. Plese call us today!

        Branding is vital for any business owner regardless of their business size. When it comes to establishing your brand, you first need to understand what branding means. It's marketing lingo for your logo, name, symbol, design, and other components associated with your business’s identity. Branding is essentially how people identify your company, whether it's through a great logo, a tagline, a color, or a feeling. Thats why before you start your business , you need to think first what exsactly you are offering to the public and from there you search for a domain that will later become a part of your brand. Intelligent Advertising is offering a wide range of services from brnding to local SEO marketing so your brand will stand out from the crowd.