773-653-5256     Chicago, IL 60640

hen you think of your business and brand, what does it mean? Who are you as a company? Defining your brand is more than picking out colors and visuals. It's about the core of your company. Think about your values and goals.  Do you have an origin story or a product offering that is unique and helps you stand out? What is your brand mission? How do you want your customers to remember you? All of these elements make up your business’s  personality — your brand on a local level.

Having a strong brand identity is one of the most important factors in your marketing strategy. You can start defining your brand by doing exercises like:

    Picking out 3-5 words that describe your brand and define your brand’s voice is a key torch the brand building identity

Be Consistent in what you write and put on your local listings across the web

Consistent information is not only helpful for potential customers; it’s also essential for your online web presence. Google favors consistency across the web, so make sure that your name, address, and phone number are listed in exactly the same format across all directory listings – this includes the way your address is abbreviated (Street vs. St.) and any business name inclusions (i.e. Inc.). If you find a listing that doesn’t have your business information listed in the correct format, find out what steps are required by the listing service to update your information. Oftentimes this requires setting up an account and claiming your listing, but each site is different.We help small businesses to get on the map. Call us today and we will help you to increase your presence across the web. Call Intelligent Advertising today!


       Creating oroginal images for the website create a unique brand idea about your business. Let pictures do the talking and let Chicago customers find your business through the internet.

Even if your texts are brilliant and convey everything your visitors really need to know—pictures explain things in a way that words can’t keep up with. Photos, graphics, and videos catch the eye, create atmosphere, and fill your content with emotion.